The Power of Writing Down Dreams
& Catching Dreams.
So, in my best (terrible) handwriting, I began to scribble down my hopes and dreams. In ten years… I wanted to be living in California and far on my way to becoming a dentist, and even wrote the same exact name of dental school that I ended up getting my degree from. Fast forward ten years later, and I was definitely living in Southern California and happily attending dental school. As a teenager those were big hopes and dreams, but writing them down I believe directed the energy into achieving them.
This was probably the first time that I experienced manifesting something that was written.
Once I was in dental school I started to have other goals that seemed to big and so it was more like a dream. I started to write them down, and eventually those dreams too came true. I used this story for my personal statement applying to residency.
There’s so much power and good karma in writing down our goals, thoughts, ideas and dreams. I feel honored that I get to wake up every day, and practice something that I love.
The next blog post will be on personal statements. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this short personal blog post.