My Morning Routine

I’ve found that daily morning routines (no matter how small) are extremely helpful in tackling on the day. It eases my anxiety and keeps me on track with micro goals. NOT having a routine sets me up for a day full of nothing, followed by extreme guilt and left feeling like a completely useless potato afterward. Here are some intentions I try to live up to each morning.

Disclaimer: I’m not a morning person.  

Happy Scaling!


Wake up early.

 I’m not good at this AT. ALL. But some people are. I wake up just early enough to do my own personal routine. I have friends that wake up at 5 am or earlier depending on their schedule/job and squeeze early work outs in. No matter how tired, I make sure that I have just enough time to do my intentions and arrive to work 15 minutes early. 

 Once I get out of my grumpy AM daze—I try to say thank you, and find one thing to be grateful for that day. 

 Lemon water.

As soon as I wake up I make a cup of warm lemon water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and pinch of cayenne pepper. This kinda wakes up my stomach and helps get my metabolism going. Other than coffee and water, I usually fast until about noon or 1 pm.

Stretch and Muscle Tension Release.

This is something that I do daily, having good flexibility helps prevent other injuries. I stretch once in the morning when I wake up, and then again before bed.  This also helps open up my posture, which tends to be naturally tense and closed most of the time. I also use this time time in the morning to foam roll and lie on an acupressure mat for 10-15 minutes. 

While I lie on the mat, I’m making my bulletproof coffee that I drink on the commute to work (making coffee at home also helps keep me on my financial budget read blog post here).

This is my acupressure mat that I use. I found it off amazon.

The mat itself is made out of bamboo, and the green flowers are a sharp plastic that place pressure into your muscles and fascia. After I find a spot on the floor, I gently roll down and lay on my back for about 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I place a towel over my face or use this time for a face mask. After laying on the mat, I instantly feel relaxed.

The foam roller is from Sweat. I prefer a tougher foam, rather than a flexible one. It has both smooth edges and firm ones to work out the knots especially in my upper back.

(see link below for the Anja acupressure mat)

Weather and traffic report.

I have my apartment set up as a smart home, my Alexa dot starts my day by telling me the temperature outside, traffic report, breaking news (including gossip celebrity news), and a business tip of the day. I do this while changing into my scrubs and quickly putting my make up on.


Affirmations! I have a powerful daily affirmation that I like to say to myself. Followed by a few deep breaths, and I’m out the door!

Whatever it is you decide to do for your morning routine, let it be something that sets you up for daily success. Let me know what your morning routine is ! And for those of you morning people who can work out early, your tips and tricks are greatly appreciated! 

Note: as an Amazon affiliate, I earn a portion of the recommended products.


My Evening Routine


Living with Lupus Pt 2.